Well, my guest post in Womagwriter's blog this week has certainly caused a bit of a stir as it coincided with rather a large spring clean of stories from a couple of the major magazines.
As everyone is aware, this is part and parcel of what we do - we take the rough with the smooth, take it on the chin, have a stiff upper lip - or do we?
The nice thing is that this has encouraged other writers to talk about their experience of rejections and this results in us feeling less alone! Thank you Helen Yendall at Blog About Writing for mentioning my post and keeping the discussion going.
It is easy for us to feel rejected (and dejected when that dreaded envelope drops through the door or the mail box pings on the computer) but spare a thought for the poor fiction editors who are inundated with literally hundreds of stories each week. Sometimes we have to remember that they have a difficult job to do as well. There was a plea this week from Jill Finlay of The Weekly News on Womagwriter's blog, which can be read here, asking for no new submissions for two months as she had such a back log and is the only reader.
For everyone in the reject club this week, Simon Whaley at Simon Says! talks about an article by Glynis Scrivens in this month's Writers Forum magazine called 'Turning a No into a Yes'. In it she talks about how other writers have turned rejections into acceptances - I'm off to buy it now!
Finally many thanks to those lovely people who have commented on or re posted my guest post, including Linda Lewis and to cheer you all up you must... I said MUST watch this youtube clip. It will bring a smile to your face and then you can get back to writing another story!