Friday, 11 January 2013

Writing Magazine Index 2012

Most aspiring writers at some time or other will either have bought or subscribed to 'Writing Magazine' the bible for both established and wannabe writers. If you haven't, give it a read - it is packed full of advice for every writer.

Anyway, while browsing some blogs (when I should have been writing) I came across a fantastic resource on Joanne Phillips - A Writer's Journey blog.

Joanne is a self- published author of two books: a novel 'Can't Live Without' and a collection of short stories on kindle 'A Life Unpredicted'.

She also loves indexing! This is great for us hoarders who can't bear to throw the magazines away, yet lose track of what was in them. With us in mind, she has compiled an index for Writing Magazine.

This is what Julie says about her index:

"Every year I compile an index for Writing Magazine – the UK’s best magazine for all things writing. I love writing, and I love indexing, so I do this purely for fun and to provide a resource for fellow fans of the magazine. I always keep my copies, and often want to refer back to an article which has stuck in my mind. Now you don’t have to scramble though 12 editions – just download my index and you should be able to find exactly what you need."

Here is Joanne's index Writing Magazine Index 2012  (Joanne has also compiled an index for 2011)

Thank you so much, Joanne for this brilliant resource - I for one will find it invaluable.


  1. It's a great idea, Wendy - although I either tear or scan what I want to keep then pass them on!

    1. You are much more organised than me! I thought that if I ever come to keeping (tearing out)the articles that I'm interested in, this might help me rather than wading throught the whole lot.

  2. Thanks so much for linking to my index, Wendy. I hope people find it useful :) I'm a professional indexer and I often index stuff just for fun! Now I store my old copies in the garage and keep the indexes handy so I can find any articles I need whenever I want.

    1. You're welcome. It's a great idea, Joanne. I think I might use the saying 'I index things just for fun' in one of my stories - it really made me laugh!

  3. What a brilliant idea! I pass my copies on to another writer who doesn't buy WM

    1. It is, isn't it Paula. Now you'll be able to check in the index to make sure there isn't anything you want to keep first!

  4. Gosh that is organised! Can't see me using it though. I subscribe to Writing Magazine, but barely get through each issue once - certainly don't have time to go back and refer to things.

    Maybe if I was organised I'd find that time?

  5. I know! I'm going to print it out and jeep it with my copies for when I need to have a sort through.

  6. That sounds really useful - except I tend to get rid of my copies after a few months because I rarely read them again. But with an index they might be worth keeping.

  7. What a great idea, I keep all my old Writing Magazine, I'll have to print this out :-)

    1. Yrs, Joanne's done a great job - a bit of time sacing for us.
