This post is for those of you who love beautiful places. It's not about writing but it is about inspiration. the weekend before last, my daughter and I had a weekend in the city of Bath. It's not the first time I've been but it was my daughter's first visit and I was keen to show her everything this amazing city had to offer.
The last time I was here was with a group of my girlfriends. Unfortunately, I had flu while we were there and can only remember wanting to be in bed... the rest was a bit of a blur. Trying not to spoil a visit for others is hard when you're running a temperature and ache all over. What I did get from that visit, though, was inspiration for a story. It was a contemporary story about a mother who took her daughter to Bath to find a husband but came back with one of her own. I sold it to Take a Break Fiction feast in 2013.
My husband remembers that story so was a little concerned when I told him my daughter and I would be going to Bath to 'find Mr Darcy' and that I was determined to enjoy my visit this time.
A twenty five minute walk, along the Kennet and Avon canal, took us into the centre of Bath. After collecting our pre-booked tickets from the tourist office, we began our adventure. First, was an orientation tour of the city on the hop-on-hop-off open top bus. We stayed on for the whole circuit and found the commentary interesting. We then retraced the route but this time on foot, stopping at The Circus and No 1 Royal Crescent to see how the other half lived in Jane Austen times.
We walked back via the Assemble Rooms and popped into the fashion museum. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it but it was fascinating. How did people have such tiny feet!
We finished our day with a meal in a Moroccan restaurant. It was delicious meal but might have been better if the waiter hadn't tipped my daughter's mussel shells into my lap as he was clearing the table!
The following day was just as hot. After breakfast, under a sunshade on the terrace, we made our way to the Roman Baths. At this time of the morning, there were no queues and we walked straight in. This has to be the highlight of our visit. It's the third time I've been there but I never tire of it.
Our weekend finished with afternoon tea in The Pump Rooms, complete with piano player, then a boat trip along the river to Bathampton. My friends were amused that I went to the city with a tick list of everything I wanted to do and see but I'm glad I did. It all went like clockwork and I'm happy that even if I didn't find her a husband, my daughter had a weekend to remember in a beautiful city.
And, hopefully, there will be another magazine story in it for me... I don't want to break with tradition now do I.