Wednesday 15 May 2013

Nine Months Gestation

Before anyone gets any ideas, I haven't got something to tell you! (especially having just spent the day at Butlins with my three grandchildren). I just wanted to say that I have gone against the norm and I am still here blogging. 

Apparently 95% of all bloggers give up - the average blogging life being 9 months.

I am pleased to have just reached that milestone - I am still nurturing my baby but it is growing nicely. I want to thank all my lovely readers and followers for making it all worthwhile. It has been an adventure and your kind comments have been gratefully received.

I am looking forward to my blogs first birthday in three months time.


  1. Congratulations on the birth...but I suppose it's already born, isn't it? I'd no idea that most bloggers have so litle stamina! Maybe they realise - as I ought to - that blogging takes up time that should be spent on other things...

    1. Yes - but it's such a nice activity isn't it Frances.

  2. I didn't know that, Wendy! Hope your baby goes from strength to strength :-) I can't imagine Blogland without you now :-) x

    1. Why thank you, Teresa! That is really sweet of you.

  3. Congrats for staying with us Wendy. I didn't know this statistic, perhaps just as well as I'm still here too :)

    1. Yes you are! A good thing too or I would never have met you 'in the real world'.

  4. Well you deserve to go on and on for many years, Wendy - I really enjoy your posts!

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. That's very kind of you.

  5. Hi Wendy, I couldn't imagine not blogging now, though I spend too much time doing it. I think it's almost replaced my diary, not quite though. Some things are private aren't they?

    1. It's funny how quickly it becomes a habit, Susan.

  6. I probably spend far too much time writing my own blogs - and even more reading other people's! I call it research. Writers need to know what's going on in other people's lives.

  7. I love the way you call it research, Linda!

  8. I've just stumbled across your blog Wendy, and I feel a bit ashamed.
    I had a blog which I started one New Year's Day and which I kept updated almost daily. It became a natural part of my life. I had decided at the start to just keep it for the one year, and so, with some sadness, I got rid of it. I told myself I could devote my time to 'proper writing' but since then, my writing output has declined to the point where I no longer know where or how to begin.
    As far as I'm concerned blogs are are great way to keep those writing muscles excercised.

    1. Welcome to my blog, Pearl. I think you should resurrect your blog and get your writing muscles exercised again. Good luck with the writing.

  9. Hi Wendy,
    Thanks for dropping by on my blog yesterday. Having neglected my first blog for a while, my advice to any bloggers struggling for inspiration would be to give their blog a make-over - new template, new colours, even adding new pictures to old posts. Or try starting a second blog on a new subject. Those things have kept me happily busy this weekend and given me plenty of new ideas for future posts on both blogs. Another good idea is to set yourself a year's agenda as Shelley Wilson has done on her inspiring blog which is well worth a visit.

  10. Great to see you over here, Douglas. I shall give Shelley's BlogSpot a visit - although the word 'agenda' scares me!

  11. Well done for reaching the nine month milestone. It's made me count up, I've got three months to go before hitting the nine month mark! :-)

    1. Keep going, Anne - I'm with you all the way!

  12. Hey Wendy, i didn't know this blogging stat but it doesn't surprise me. Keeping a blog can sometimes feel a bit like reinventing the wheel every week constantly have to have something fresh to say as well as be creative an fresh. It require discipline and organisation - and determination and you have mastered it with apparent ease! Look forward to the 1st birthday party in 3 months :)
